Get treatment for all your dental care needs.
Routine Care
Regular check ups, diagnostic x-rays, and cleanings are essential to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
Extractions are sometimes necessary for teeth that are severely decayed, fractured, infected, or impacted (wisdom teeth).
Cavities, chips, and fracture can be repaired using different types of restorations. From tooth colored fillings, veneers, and crowns, there are many different options to restore good oral health and a beautiful smile.
Implants are used to replace broken or missing teeth.
Specialized Gum Care
Healthy gums are essential to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. Sometimes specialized gum care may be necessary to address specific issues to restore healthy gums.
Root Canal Therapy
An infection of the nerve can result in severe pain and swelling. Treating the nerve of the tooth and removing the infection may be necessary.
Partial or full dentures can be used to replace several or all missing teeth. Prosthetics are custom made using different materials, colors, and sizes to meet the needs of each individual patient.
Each individual will have an ideal esthetic they would like to achieve. Obtaining a whiter and brighter smile with modern whitening solutions.
Weather its crowding, spacing, or anything in between, Invisalign can align teeth into the ideal position for proper functionality and esthetics.
If you need us, we are here to help. Please call our offices directly so we can address your emergency needs.